Back In New England!

We made it back to Boston!
It was a lovely winter in the west visiting friends and family ... and meeting many of you! Nothing like a little sunshine and warm air to give you new inspiration and a fresh perspective.
Olivia and I were lucky enough to be accompanied by a dear friend on our journey cross country! It made our days pass quickly with laughter, conversation and brainstorming for a new business!
We traveled the Southern route to enjoy as much warm weather as we could, stopping in Holbrook, AZ at the Wigwam Motel. Such a cool place to stay one day. They have tee-pees set up like individual guest rooms - SO COOL! Quick stay in Amarillo, TX and then after a long drive we landed in Nashville, TN for a wonderful dinner and some live music! One more day on the road put us in Harrisburg, PA for the night after stopping for sushi in Roanoke, VA. Day 4 landed us back in Boston! Phew - very long trip but beautiful to see the country! A few photos above encapsulate our trip :)
Now, back to business with Summer & Fall shows. You'll be able to meet us at The Greenway Shows in Boston every Saturday, May 7 - Oct 8 and The Ink Block Shows every Sunday, May 1 - Oct 23! Watch for new styles hand-crafted from beautiful new leather hand picked from Los Angeles and New York. Visit us and introduce yourself - we'd love to meet you!
More show news and magazine ads to tell you about too, stay tuned!
Smile, Hug, Love,
Lara ;)
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